Chinese Gospel Church is a multi-site, multi-congregational community of Christians who believe the Bible and follow Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We seek to glorify God through living out the Great Commandment (John 13:34-35) and carrying out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) both individually and together as a church family. Our Toronto campus, located in the heart of Chinatown, is home to the Downtown English, Cantonese and Mandarin congregations. Our Scarborough site has English and Mandarin congregations.

Our vision is to be a missional community seizing every opportunity to share the gospel.

We exist as a multi-congregational church to manifest God’s glory by living out the Great Commandment and carrying out the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20, John 13:34-35)

Our statement of faith outlines the core beliefs of our church. All members of Chinese Gospel Church believe and submit to these articles, and as part of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada. 

Read our Constitution.

欢迎来到华人福音堂.我们是基督徒的交通群体,相信圣经,相信耶稣基督是我们的救主和主并跟随他,我们由多个地点的多个堂会组成。 我们要活出大诫命(约翰福音13:34-35)来荣耀神,并以个人和教会大家庭的形式履行大使命(马太福音28:19-20)。我们共2个地点5个堂会,其中多伦多分部坐落在唐人街的中心,有市中心英语堂,粤语堂和国语堂。士嘉堡分部有英语和国语的堂会.请在华人福音堂网站的首页上选择您关心的堂会就可以对它有更多的了解。


我们是由多个堂会组成的教会,以遵行神的诫命和实行神的大使命,彰显神的荣耀为己任。(太 28:19-20; 约 13:34-35)

宪章 (中文PDF版)not available


歡迎來到華人福音堂.我們是基督徒的交通群體,相信聖經,相信耶穌基督是我們的救主和主並跟隨他,我們由多個地點的多個堂會組成。 我們要活出大誡命(約翰福音13:34-35)來榮耀神,並以個人和教會大家庭的形式履行大使命(馬太福音28:19-20)。我們共2個地點5個堂會,其中多倫多分部坐落在唐人街的中心,有市中心英語堂,粵語堂和國語堂。士嘉堡分部有英語和國語的堂會.請在華人福音堂網站的首頁上選擇您關心的堂會就可以對它有更多的瞭解。


我們是由多個堂會組成的教會,以遵行神的誡命和實行神的大使命,彰顯神的榮耀爲己任。(太 28:19-20; 約 13:34-35)
憲章 (中文PDF版)
