The vision of the Missions Ministry is for all members of Chinese Gospel Church to become mission-minded and interested to take the redemptive good news to all peoples. To this end, CGC focuses particularly on reaching the unreached people groups where there is no viable evangelical church. The Missions Committee, made up of missions-minded brothers and sisters who represent each congregation, assists in the management of partnerships with mission agencies and missionaries who hold the same Biblical beliefs, purpose and focus. News from missionaries and agencies CGC supports are disseminated to encourage all to support in finance and more importantly in prayers.

Every year, the Committee organizes 4-5 Missions Sundays for each CGC congregation to highlight various mission agencies & their ministries. An Annual Missions Conference is also organized once a year to give additional or updated information on World Mission.

If you are interested in participating in a short-term missions trip, please click here.

Enquiry related to each congregation can be directed to the congregational representative. For further information on CGC Missions Ministry, e-mail

宣教事工的异象是让华人福音堂的所有成员都有宣教意识,并愿意把救赎的好消息传给所有的人。为此,华人福音堂宣教的重点是无福音教会地方的未得之民。宣教委员会由主内兄弟和姐妹们组成,他们有宣教意识,代表者每一个堂会, 协助有相同圣经理念及宗旨的宣教机构和宣教士,建立伙伴关系,传播最新宣教信息,鼓励所有的支持,包括资金支持和更重要的祈祷支持。




宣教事工的異像是讓華人福音堂的所有成員都有宣教意識,並願意把救贖的好消息傳給所有的人。為此,華人福音堂宣教的重點是無福音教會地方的未得之民。宣教委員會由主內兄弟和姐妹們組成,他們有宣教意識,代表者每一個堂會, 協助有相同聖經理念及宗旨的宣教機構和宣教士,建立夥伴關係,傳播最新宣教資訊,鼓勵所有的支持,包括資金支持和更重要的祈禱支持。


