If you are considering going out on a short-term missions trip this should be one of your first stops! Our God is a sending God, and based on the Great Commission, we are all sent to share the gospel, whether nearby or farther away.

We also believe that God sends missionaries through the local church community (see Acts 13:2-3). This conviction is really important. You could easily plan your own trip without any church involvement but we believe this is not the biblical model.

The Church’s Missions Committee with the leadership of the Church is called to walk alongside you, to help you choose a good missions organization, to equip you for the work, to guide you in raising financial and prayer support, and to let you have an opportunity to encourage the whole church by sharing your experience when you return.

So if you are looking into a short-term missions trip in the coming months, please contact your congregation’s Missions Committee Rep. If you don’t know who that is, please ask one of your pastors, elders, deacons, or congregational board members.

In the meantime, here are some of the things that the Missions Committee will ask you:

  1. What type of ministry are you thinking of (e.g. campus outreach, humanitarian aid, children’s ministry, etc.), and where would you go and when?
  2. What missions organization are you considering? Some of the agencies the church knows and has worked with before include: AIM, Crossworld, Ethnos, Frontiers, Interserve, OM, OMF, Pioneers, P2C, SIM, TEAM, WEC. If the organization is not listed, the Missions Committee will help you to find out more to ensure that they are a reputable organization with compatible doctrine.
  3. How much money (if any) will you need to raise? We want to guide you in how to raise funds while also learning to live sacrificially and by faith. You may be given a chance to make an announcement during an upcoming worship service about a month or so before departure to help raise individual financial and prayer support.
  4. If you are going for your very first missions trip – congratulations! We also require you to complete a short term application form to be returned to your Missions Committee Rep.
  5. You will need to create a prayer letter describing the work you will be doing and including basic details like your answers to #1 and #3 above. If you would like to see some samples of past prayer letters, just ask your Missions Committee Rep.
  6. Your Missions Committee Rep will do a number of things for you:
    • Arrange to have your prayer letter translated and distributed.
    • Work with our Church’s Administrative Secretary to print and include your prayer letter in an upcoming worship service bulletin.
    • Arrange a time with your Pastor to commission you in a worship service before you depart.
    • Request a small (financial) love gift for you from the Church!
  7. When you return, you will have an opportunity to share about your experience during our annual Short Term Missions Sunday in October.


我们也相信上帝通过地方教会差遣宣教士 (见使徒行传13:2-3)。这个确信很重要。你可以很容易的在没有教会参与下筹划你的旅行,但我们相信这不是圣经的模式。

起带领作用的教会宣教小组被呼召与你同行,帮助你选择一个好的宣教机构,为事工装备你,在筹款和祷告上引导你, 也在你回来后给你提供机会分享你的经历,来鼓励整个教会。



  1. 你想参与的是哪种类型的事工(如,校园外展,人道主义援助,儿童事工,等等), 你会去哪里, 以及什么时候出发?
  2. 你会考虑参加哪个宣教机构?本教会认识并合作过的机构有: AIM非洲内地会, Crossworld跨越世界差会, Ethnos, Frontiers前线差会, Interserve国际主仆差会, OM动员差会, OMF海外基督使团, Pioneers先锋国际事工, P2C学园传道会, SIM苏丹内地会, TEAM, WEC环球福音差会。如果你所考虑的宣教机构没有在此列出,宣教小组会帮你查找更多的信息来确认该机构是个有声誉并持守和本教会相同教义的机构。
  3. 如果需要筹款的话, 金额是多少?我们不但会在筹款上,同时也在舍己和靠信心生活上提供指导。在你离开之前一个月, 你有机会在某个主日崇拜上来报告, 帮助你个人筹款和寻求祷告支持。
  4. 如果这是你的第一次宣教之旅 – 恭喜你!请你填写一个短宣申请表。填好后,请交还给你的宣教小组代表
  5. 你需要准备一封代祷信,介绍你将从事的事工,包括类似你对问题1和3的答案的基本细节。如果你想参考代祷信的样本,可以联系宣教小组代表。
  6. 你的宣教小组代表会为你做以下事情:
    • 安排翻译你的代祷信并派发给各个堂会。
    • 与我们教会的行政秘书合作,将你的代祷信刊登在来临的周日主日崇拜单张上。
    • 在你临行之前,安排一个时间,请你的牧师在某个主日崇拜中差遣你。
    • 从教会申请一份送给你的小小的爱的礼物(经济上的)!
  7. 当你回来后,你会有机会在我们十月份的年度短宣周日分享你的经历。


我們也相信上帝通過地方教會差遣宣教士 (見使徒行傳13:2-3)。這個確信很重要。你可以很容易的在沒有教會參與下籌劃你的旅行,但我們相信這不是聖經的模式。

起帶領作用的教會宣教小組被呼召與你同行,幫助你選擇一個好的宣教機構,為事工裝備你,在籌款和禱告上引導你, 也在你回來後給你提供機會分享你的經歷,來鼓勵整個教會。



  1. 你想參與的是哪種類型的事工(如,校園外展,人道主義援助,兒童事工,等等), 你會去哪裡, 以及什麼時候出發?
  2. 你會考慮參加哪個宣教機構?本教會認識並合作過的機構有: AIM非洲內地會, Crossworld跨越世界差會, Ethnos, Frontiers前線差會, Interserve國際主僕差會, OM動員差會, OMF海外基督使團, Pioneers先鋒國際事工, P2C學園傳道會, SIM蘇丹內地會, TEAM, WEC環球福音差會。如果你所考慮的宣教機構沒有在此列出,宣教小組會幫你查找更多的信息來確認該機構是個有聲譽並持守和本教會相同教義的機構。
  3. 如果需要籌款的話, 金額是多少?我們不但會在籌款上,同時也在舍己和靠信心生活上提供指導。在你離開之前一個月, 你有機會在某個主日崇拜上來報告, 幫助你個人籌款和尋求禱告支持。
  4. 如果這是你的第一次宣教之旅 – 恭喜你!請你填寫一個短宣申請表 。填好后,請交還給你的宣教小組代表。
  5. 你需要准備一封代禱信,介紹你將從事的事工,包括類似你對問題1和3的答案的基本細節。如果你想參考代禱信的樣本,可以聯系宣教小組代表。
  6. 你的宣教小組代表會為你做以下事情:
    • 安排翻譯你的代禱信並派發給各個堂會。
    • 與我們教會的行政秘書合作,將你的代禱信刊登在來臨的周日主日崇拜單張上。
    • 在你臨行之前,安排一個時間,請你的牧師在某個主日崇拜中差遣你。
    • 從教會申請一份送給你的小小的愛的禮物(經濟上的)!
  7. 當你回來後,你會有機會在我們十月份的年度短宣周日分享你的經歷。