Chinese Gospel Church Scarborough is the Scarborough site of Chinese Gospel Church, an interdependent multi-site church working together by faith to reach and disciple people locally and globally.

For us, everything starts and ends with the Bible. We believe it to be inerrant and infallible (perfect) in its original text, and the means through which God has chosen to communicate to us. We look at the world through the ‘lens’ of the Bible – we welcome it to shape and transform our minds and hearts so that what matters to God, matters to us. In the Bible, we discover who we are – creatures made in the image of God for the purpose of worshipping Him alone, yet sinners at our core completely incapable of saving ourselves from our sin and its consequences of brokenness and ultimately, eternal separation from God in hell. More importantly, the Bible also teaches us about who God is. He is holy and hates sin, yet in His mercy and love He has provided His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins, in our place. The Bible promises that whoever believes in Jesus will be saved and can be restored to a right relationship with God. This is the message of the gospel and the basis for all we believe.

Our statement of faith outlines the core beliefs of our church. All members of Chinese Gospel Church believe and submit to these articles, and as part of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada, we also affirm the AGC articles of faith.

Core Values

If we had to summarize what CGC Scarborough is all about, our core values would be a good place to start. We strive to uphold these values as a church family in order to serve and honour God and fulfill the mission He has given us.

  1. Biblical foundation
    We value an inquiring, thinking and active faith that is firmly rooted in scripture. Acts 2:42, 17:11.
  2. Intentional discipleship
    We value balanced Christian living in the study of the Word, prayer, community life, and local evangelism, and to nurture members to do likewise. Acts 2:42-47; Luke 9:23.
  3. Active service
    We value active gift-based engagement within the church, in our community, and beyond. Eph 4:11-16; I Cor.12:1-31; Isaiah 61; Micah 6:8; James 1:27.
  4. Global missions
    We value a commitment to sending, praying for, assisting and financially supporting missions, especially to unreached people groups. Matt 28:18-19, Phil. 4: 10-20.
  5. Church-planting
    We value a focus on dynamically growing disciples to maturity to reproduce and plant new churches. Acts 13:1-3, I Cor. 3:6.
  6. Cultural transformation
    We seek to transform our culture in Christ even as we are informed by our Chinese and Canadian heritage. Rom. 12:1-2; Rev. 7:9.