Tim Grieves

Pastor Tim Grieves

Tim was born in Lindsay Ontario and grew up in a Christian family.  At the age of 10, he turned from his sins to find forgiveness in Christ’s death and resurrection.  After completing a degree in music performance at Wilfrid Laurier University, Tim felt God calling him to greater service of Him, so after 5 years of work, he went to serve God in China. After 8 years of serving in China, Tim returned to Canada with a Chinese-American wife, Ann, and 2 wonderful children – Jonathan and Kaitlyn.  

Upon returning to Canada, Tim knew that he was called to serve the Chinese Church as a pastor, so he attended Heritage Seminary to complete a Master of Divinity.  While studying, he began to serve at Chinese Gospel Church in 2015, where he continues to happily serve. It’s Tim’s passion to see people serve on mission wherever God’s put them, and to help people grow in their appreciation for the gospel, and their worship and service to their Lord.

Mike Whittle

Pastor Mike Whittle

Pastor Mike Whittle was born in England in 1956. He served in the Royal Navy for five years.  It was in the Navy that he heard the Gospel in all its freeness for the first time and trusted the Lord Jesus – he was 19 years old. After working for seven years in the secular world, Mike had such a burden for the lost, that, in 1987, he sold his house and car, and came to Toronto to study at Central Baptist Seminary (now Heritage), where he married Ramee in 1986.  They have two children and three grandchildren.

After graduation, Mike was called to Chinese Gospel Church to Pastor Agape Gospel Church. He served for 27 years and saw hundreds of people saved and baptised. After COVID, with Mike’s retirement close, Agape decided to amalgamate with Chinese Gospel Church Scarborough. Pastor Mike now serves as a semi-retired pastor, supporting the English and Mandarin ministries, and enjoying the fellowship and ministry of all the pastors and members of Chinese Gospel Church Scarborough.

Dunstan Zheng

Intern Pastor Dunstan Zheng

Dunstan Zheng was saved in his Grade 10 year of high school during a particular week where God showed him the awfulness of his own sin and his need for a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. After repenting of his sin and trusting in Christ, Dunstan had a sense of God’s calling towards ministry and he tested and confirmed this calling in the years to follow.

Dunstan graduated from the University of Toronto (St. George Campus) with a Christian Origins Specialist and a Classics Minor and worked for a year and a half in the secular world after graduating. In January 2020, he began studying a Masters of Divinity at the Toronto Baptist Seminary and is currently wrapping up his last year.

Dunstan joined Chinese Gospel Church Scarborough in the Fall of 2022 as an Intern Youth Pastor for the English Ministry, primarily working with the high school students. He has greatly enjoyed and been blessed by the new friendships that he has made at CGCS along with the opportunities to serve and grow.