We live in a day in which we are constantly bombarded by many different and often contradictory voices competing to tell us what we ought to think and how we ought to live. It can all be so confusing… with so many different opinions, how can we know which ones (if any) are right? Fortunately, as followers of Christ, there is ultimately only a single voice that matters – God’s voice, as heard in His Word, the Bible. In this class, we’ll seek to think Biblically about a range of topics that impact on our daily lives (for example, money, poverty, work, time management, gender/sexuality, etc.)

  1. Biblical Worldview
  2. Biblical Interpretation and Application
  3. Medical Assistance in Dying
  4. Giving & Generosity

Teachers: David Hwang, Joe Whittle, Sunny Wong, Wilson Chan, Simeon Wong

Thinking Biblically